Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ethiopia In April??

We have been praying about me going to Ethiopia this April 15 -- 25, 2009, with Children's Hopechest, Tom Davis's organization. As I mentioned earlier, they made a trip to Ethiopia a few months ago to begin their ministry there to care for orphans that most likely will never be adopted. He also travels the country asking churches to "Adopt" orphanages and support the kids not only monetarily, but to establish real relationships with them. Well, he has gotten a church to adopt the Kolfe orphanage as well as several others.

As you all know, a part of my/our hearts are there at the Kolfe orphanage as well. Tom is taking a leadership team back to Ethiopia in April to help launch this program. I would absolutely love to be a part of this team and also have an opportunity to spend some quality time with our son Solomon. It also appears that the Lord is giving us a speaking ministry and I think that this trip could be instrumental in building on our testimony to speak on behalf of the church caring for the orphans. While I am not at all eager to leave my family for 10 days, I just feel a peace about going to be a part of this next ministry opportunity for Kolfe and the other orphanages. There is so much to be done there and I just can't help but think that the LORD has called us to be a voice and a witness for orphans.

So, I am posting this note to ask if you would help us. WE need prayer for the Lord to make it clear as to whether or not I am to be a part of this team. While we are all in agreement and feel peace about it here, the finances are not in agreement. I need approx. $3000. The first non-refundable deposit is due this Friday. I just want to be sure that this is really from the LORD and not me taking the reigns and control. Since I don't have the money, I just thought I would ask the saints to join me and ask the Lord to make it very clear...we need another financial miracle.

Well, thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to care about the crazy Mestas clan. Blessings to you all... stay tuned as this journey continues!

For more info see the side bar of our blog "Tom Davis" or Children's Hopechest.


Brandi said...


What are the dates of the trip?


Sharon said...

This sounds like a wonderful oppertunity! I will be praying for the finances as well as the decision to be made clear.

Sharon said...

Were can we send donations??