Our Sunday morning routine is that we get the littles dressed and I take them down to breakfast while everyone else gets ready for church. Then when someone comes down, I go up and get ready. So, yesterday morning they are all sitting at the table with me and I am feeding the twinettes yogurt when this conversation begins:
Jeremiah: "Mom, it is rearry sad that M. is all ayone in Epiopia. Why her all ayone Mom?" Mama: "Yes it is sad Jer, her Mama & Papa got sick and died and she doesn't have any brothers or sisters either. She has no family at all." Jeremiah: "Well, we need to go get her, Mama." James: "Yea Jer, we gonna step out in 'faif' (faith) and bring her home. We gonna get her from Epiopia." Josiah:" No, me no want to go Etiopia! (tears filling up in his eyes)Mama: "Don't cry Josiah, you don't want to go to Ethiopia? You are not going, you are staying here with us forever mijo! Mama and Papa love you and you are here with us forever."
This was absolutely precious!! They started this conversation all on their own which just speaks to my heart about how much they are tenderhearted toward the orphans we have posted on our kitchen wall. We have photos of our children still in Ethiopia. As a result of much prayer and thinking about leaving my five littles, I have decided that I can not leave them to go to ET for two weeks. So, it looks like Jerry will have to take Ellie to get our precious new daughter. Josiah and the rest of the littles would be too traumatized if Mama left for so long. I think this would be good for Ellie to start bonding with her new sister too! So, off we go on to the next pile of paperwork!!