
"After spending just a few hours with the young men at Kolfe Youth Orphanage, I am struck by how polite, engaging and smart they are. There is a spirit among these lost boys that at first look seems unbreakable but I was deeply troubled by the absolute squalor of Kolfe more than any other place we visited. Upon arrival Ashunafi (the group’s apparent leader) and the boys invite us to play volleyball and soccer on a dirt field and the rowdiness of boys rules the day. They are so conversational I almost don’t realize that the orphanage is situated on a dumping ground; that every window is broken out of every building except the office; that the only thing more prominent than garbage and glass on the ground is the red dust that covers every square inch of this horrible place. The lone rosebush between rows of decrepit dormitories and brambles reinforces for me that life at a place like Kolfe is destitute and full of thorns.
To borrow Tom’s analogy, I see two roads for these boys ages 12-20. Down the first I see the future husbands, fathers, leaders of Ethiopia. These boys were amazing! Down the second I see death. I will occasionally use hyperbole to make a point but be clear that this is not one of those times. God help us if we are complacent in the face of this great tragedy! Please join me in praying that a church with a heart for seeing boys become men will adopt this God-forsaken place post haste!
In the next 9 months, our goal is to connect 10 churches with 10 orphanages in Ethiopia through Tom Davis and Children’s HopeChest. Talk to your church about living out the red letters of Jesus and walking out your responsibility for the poor, the orphan and the widow. Pray that God would open doors, change hearts, and renew our/your commitment to ‘the least of these.’ If your church isn’t doing anything substantial for the poor, who cares?"
This is what Tom Davis said after he visited Kolfe.
"This trip has been so amazing. My heart burns for Ethiopia in a million ways. The kids here are amazing. Full of life and as kind as can be. Today, we were in an orphanage called Kolfe, a boys home with about 120 kids. You would think this place so filled with testosterone, would be a bit dangerous, cold and resistant. Just the opposite. These boys had incredible manners, they showed so much respect to us, even bowing when they met us. And, it is dirt poor. They have nothing, and I mean nothing. They never get to eat meat, and don't even have the money for a hair cut. They just want the chance to be men, to make their mark on life and accomplish something. Many have dreams of going to college, and I want to help them.
Sponsoring this place would transform your community, I promise you. I'll post pictures and video when I get home.
I think we are up to 6 orphanages that will soon be available for sponsorship. I'm hoping to have 8 by the time we leave. The vision trip looks like it will be some time in April. Please email me if you want to come.
Thanks for the prayers. God is doing great things in this beautiful country. With His help we can change the lives of these kids forever. Want to be a part? Just say yes!"
"I just got back from Kolfe with Children's Hopechest and Red Letters Campaign:
Hopechest has the single best model I've ever seen because it's about on going, holistic care for the young people like these. Kolfe is a great fit for their model, and they could basically pull the trigger on sponsoring the boys as soon as a church would be ready to sponsor them.
Pray for the right church that would see the potential in these future leaders of Ethiopia."-Jamie Wallace
Eileen, So pleased to reconnect at the get together last night and so good to meet in person. I am in awe of you!! Will you be our friends?? love in Him, Jay and Sharry Holdren check out our blog too
Eileen, So happy to finally meet you all in person. I am in awe of you and your family. Will you PLEASE be our "friends" To God's glory, love, Jay, Sharry, Evie and Mazie
I am so excited about this! God has given so many people a heart to help these boys that I know it will happen!
I can't wait to meet Solomon and Habtamu when we travel. Our new court date is Dec. 1. If you have gifts or letters, we'd be happy to deliver!
God Bless,
Eileen, Thanks for this post. We're looking forward to meeting these boys in a couple of weeks. So many people are working hard so we can bring gifts (t-shirts, socks, school supplies, etc.) for every boy in Kolfe! Ryan tells us there are 30+ non-official residents as well. Some boys from Liberty are even sending money so the boys can get a meal with meat. Other students are writing notes so each boy gets his own. Not sure if we'll have names, but we're trying. So thankful to have this opportunity!
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