Monday, December 24, 2007

A Request For Help From Ethiopia

I just received this note from our Gladney Ethiopia representative Ryan. Please pass the word and see if someone can help this man.

Dear friends,

I was recently approached by one of the young men (or not so young men) at Kolfe and asked if I could find someone to help him out when he moves to the US. He has won the diversity visa, and said he will be moving to the US in a month or so. He is around 30 yrs old, handicapped (he walks with crutches), and probably knows very little English. He is excited about his opportunity to move to the US, but scared at the same time. I just wanted to write you all to ask if you, someone you know, or an organization you know of would be willing to help him. He is looking for a place to stay while he figures out American life, and some help finding a work.


Please leave a comment or contact me via email if you have any information regarding this plea and I will contact Ryan. Thank you.


Claudia said...

Do you have any idea what part of the US this man will be moving to?

Claudia said...

Do you have any idea what part of the US this man is moving to?

Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen,
I am not certain in what way we could help this man but I am sure that our community would be willing to try. Can you give me information? Also, we will be leaving for Addis w/in the next 4 - 8 weeks and I REALLY want to help the boys of the Kolfe orphanage. How can we help? I cannot find any way to contact them except you. Please get back to me when you can and give me ideas, blankets, sheets, socks, shoes, underwear, soccer balls, books, school supplies, ??? Thanks and God bless you and your beautiful family!
Kristin Cushen