Friday, July 23, 2010

Extreme Kolfe Orphanage Makeover. This is a kindred spirit of mine Becky and her wonderful team of volunteers. This is another project at Kolfe that has totally transformed it since we were there three years ago. Thank you to all of you who have blessed our boys so much. They are all such special boys and we love them so very much.

Children's Hope Chest
is also planning on building a new dorm. They have a matching grant fund raiser going on right now to complete this project. They need to raise $12,000. If you are interested in investing in the Kolfe Orphanage, please contact them and let them know we referred you. We are all working together for the blessings to be poured on the precious boys that still call Kolfe home.


Renee said...

THERE IS MY DAUGHTER(at 5:35 on the video)!! We're trying to get her here on a student visa! *sniff sniff* We've waited 2.5 years now. :(

Erin Moore said...

So crazy! Your daughter is with my son!

She must be Roman?! I have a photograph of her at home that Biruk sent, do you want me to scan it and send it to you, Renee?!