Sunday, August 31, 2008


How cute are they?!We are in a co-op group with several other home school families that now meets every Friday. This is our second year using Tapestry of Grace curriculum and we are loving it. Ellie is in the 10th grade class with some of her friends that were in her preschool coop class. It is wonderful to have such good friends that are still making memories and studying together. The boys are in a Kindergarten class and the girls are in a nursery class. Fridays are extremely busy for us now.

I have been absolutely amazed at just how much the children have learned in this past year. With all of the adoption mania that has taken place over the last year I was afraid the boys were not getting enough time, attention and schooling. But yet again, the Lord has shown himself so faithful. They have learned so much in the little bits and pieces that I was squeezing in here and there. They know the alphabet, they are writing, they are beginning to spell and read already. Even Josiah is speaking English so much better and communicating so well.He knows all the colors, counting, alphabet, and just about everything the boys are doing. He is right on their level. They all have worked a lot on their drawing, coloring, cutting, pasting, painting, and overall artistic abilities all summer. They are all budding artists. Our house is plastered with art work in every room! We also did a lot of music and dancing this summer. We read lots of books and hunted for lightning bugs every night for the month of June. We rode bikes, played out in the rain, went to Myrtle & Wilmington Beach, and took a road trip to Tennessee. We had relatives from out of town stay with us and we had a wonderful time. This was our first summer with our new three additions and they loved swimming in the pool. Josiah is a fish!

We have had a wonderful summer of fun, laughter, some sorrow, some trials,lots of sweet fellowship and lots of Popsicles. It was too hot to be outside very much so we spent a lot of time in the AC and with each other. The three boys are inseparable and the girls are wanting to do everything they do as well. It's changing from a threesome to a fivesome! We are blessed more than we deserve!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Eileen! The new blog format is stunning! Keep up the good work.

Wolfemom said...

That is too cute! Beautiful children! The new blog is great too. I'm impressed.

Joy said...

I loved the pictures - they say so much! And the girls are getting so big and are looking more and more like Josiah.

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing your summer with us. I love your new format. It's beautiful!!!

The children all look so happy and healthy. What a blessing :)