The Memorial Service on Saturday was an extraordinary time of fellowship and grieving, but most of all it was a celebration. Little Maria lived a life that was full of love and life. She left quite an impact on all of us. For five years, she lived her life to the fullest, loving to draw flowers, lady bugs, butterflies and being butt naked. In an especially poignant moment, Mary Beth told the story of how just 3 months ago, Maria prayed to receive Christ as her Savior. What a blessing to hear those words! Emily Chapman, who was just engaged last weekend to Tanner, shared the analogy of Maria getting engaged 3 months ago to the Savior and she beat all the Chapman girls in marriage...she is now with her bridegroom. Will Franklin wore Maria's favorite blanket around his neck and they shared some of her artwork and cards she had made for them. All of the children at the service, including 6 of ours carried a flower and placed it all around her casket...she loved flowers, and were hugged and greeted by Steven and MaryBeth. It was an absolutely beautiful service!!
I often wonder how I will react when faced with tragedy as this, or how a family such as the Chapman's who live their lives in the spotlight will react to tragedy. People watch and wonder...I guess it's just human nature. I was totally blown away with the love, acceptance, and forgiveness that they exemplified. What made it so special was that it was genuine. No one was putting on an act. This family was overcome with pain and grief, and did not hide it. They were saddened that God had taken their little girl so soon, but accepted His Sovereignty. In the midst of their pain, they praised the Lord. They thanked Him for the 5 years of Maria that they had the privelege of enjoying. They remembered and shared with us what a special little girl she was. They were not just talking the talk, but walking the walk. They were looking toward the future with the hope that God has promised us, that we will see her again.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26
They took off their shoes to demonstrate that they were walking on Holy Ground. Over the last couple of days, I thought about just how significant that was, in the context of who was there. Many of the people in attendance were well-known celebrities that came to pay their respects. In fact, the folks who participated in this tribute to Maria looked like a who's who of Contemporary Christian Music. But these folks were not there simply to be seen (I won't evne name them here). We knew that they were there because of their love for Jesus and for the Chapman family. They sang words of real praise to a real God...to a just and holy God. As I listened to these very famous people, I was captivated by the thought that the person who was clearly in our midst, and whose presence I felt more than anyone else was the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Chapman's portrayed a perfect example of forgiveness, I could not help but think that only a true follower of Jesus can accept God's plan even when it is not our plan. Only a true follower of Jesus can forgive like Jesus forgives. The thought of Jesus forgiving a wretch like me is is still overwhelming to me. And yet I so often want to question and judge. Don't we sometimes think we know better than God? Don't we sometimes hold on to hurt and pain and a need to blame? We serve a God who is still on the throne and knows what is best for our lives. Why should we think that our plans are better than His? It is still so amazing to me that we serve such an awesome God.
The Chapman family requested that we continue to lift them up in prayer, knowing this is going to take a long time to comprehend. They asked for prayer especially for their son. Please keep them in your prayers!
You can give the Chapman family your condolences by clicking here.

Thank you for posting this.. especially the video also... Brought tears to my eyes..
Been keeping their family in my heart and praying!
Also praying they find your daughter in Ethiopia safe and sound!!
Thank you sweet family for sharing your experience with us. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ and driving all that way to show them your love. I'm continually swept away by the depth of love God shows us in the midst of trials. Praying for you, too, as we wait for news of your daughter. May she be safe in the arms of Jesus, too.
with love,
How wonderful that you felt led to bless the Chapman family by going to the service, and how like God to bless you in the process.
Thanks for sharing,
This post and video are so poignant and beautiful.
I am praying for both the Chapman family and for your family. I hope M is safe and will be found soon.
I'm so glad you guys got to go to the memorial. What a blessing!
I will continue to pray for M!
Grace and peace!
WOW....thanks so much for sharing and also being such sweet new friends for them...Praise God for holding them and Maria so close...
That last comment was from me but I was logged in under my son Andrew's address...
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