My husband just started a job in January '07 after losing his job a little over two years ago. He was working one day in September '04, when the LORD assigned him a divine appointment to pray with a man outside of an abortion clinic. The man and his wife wound up leaving the clinic, (she was 16 weeks pregnant with their first child and they were having marital problems) at which point the clinic called my husband's job and filed a formal complaint that he made them lose business. So he was fired! The result of that was we wound up on this amazing journey of a deeper, richer level of faith and dependence on the LORD as we watched him provide for us day by day, and minute by minute. We had just adopted the twins, had to buy diapers, formula, etc. , had three other children and my parents moved in with us full time just two months prior. We now had more mouths to feed than ever and for the first time in our lives, we had no job or guaranteed income. For the first time in his life, Jerry could not find a job.
So we started our own private investigations business. Mestas & Associates actually provided a multitude of services, such as Spanish Interpretation, Voice Talent, and also marketing printed label products for Hispanic businesses. Every morning Jerry woke up juggling whichever hat was put on the table that day via the LORD'S provision. We really learned the LORD'S prayer, "Lord give us this day our daily bread". We were blessed day by day and cried many tears of joy and awe as we watched one miracle after another. The Saints that the LORD used to bless us were so amazing. We found groceries on our door step, envelopes of money in the mailbox, letters of encouragement and most of all, a newer, deeper trust and knowledge of our Almighty Jehovah Jireh!

So, now we need another miracle LORD!

Where are we going to get $30K for 3 more daughters?
Well Debra Parris starts to tell us about some options, ie., loans, 2nd mortgage etc. and explains to us that the adoption tax credit will help pay it back. She then asked if we got a tax credit when we adopted the twins and asked what we did with it. I told her our accountant told us we did not qualify for a tax credit with them because we did not pay for them. Jerry always says "We got two for the price of none". They were a "Special Needs" adoption. She told me, that the accountant was wrong and we should check into it because there is a "Special Needs" tax credit. I hung up the phone and called him immediately, it was 10:00 p.m. and I called him at home. He said he would get right on it and call me back.
Well, the next morning at approximately 11:00 am he called to tell me it appears there had been a terrible mistake. He had to draft an amendment to our 2003, 2004 and 2005 tax returns for a "Special Needs" adoption tax credit. We now have $20,000 coming to us in the next 8-10 weeks. In addition to this miraculous revelation, he also said it was discovered just in the nick of time. We only had until April 15, 2007 to file an amendment to the 2003 return due to the time requirements to file amendments for tax credits. Do you see the LORD here?? Do you see this miracle?? If we had not stepped out in faith, pursued this adoption and talked with Debra Parris, we would have never known about this money that was rightfully due us.
Here is the neat part that Jerry and I realized: The LORD hid this money from us and revealed it in His perfect time for HIS specific purpose. And notice the name KASINDA - meaning born into a family of twins....the LORD used the twins to provide the money to go get our girls.

1 comment:
I was looking at your archives to hear your story and I found this post. This is such an awesome testimony of how greatly our God provides! We have seen this over and over where we just need to follow Him and step out in faith and He never fails to provide. Praise God! You children are beautiful and your new 3 from Ethiopia are too. We are actually hoping to adopt 2 boys from Zambia and name them Jeremiah and Jameson - so close to your sons' names :).
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