Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spiritual Adoption: Kolfe Mama and Solomon Reunited (Part 1)


Susan Isaacs said...

Hi Eileen. I want to do the same for a Kolfe boy named Samson, whom I sponsor thru Children's Hope Chest. I want to get him to private school. I, I just emailed you with more details. May the Lord bless your whole family. Susan

Meg said...

Welcome Home Solomon!

Andrea said...

Amazing!!! Welcome Home Solomon!!!

miranda said...

I would enjoy reading a blog from Soloman on his stay here in the USA.

Joy said...

so great - so true!

Jessica Smith said...

Mama Mestas!

What an incredible mama's heart you have! I just read through the last several posts on your home page and find myself choking back tears of joy and gratitude for your selflessness; trusting God, showing God's love tangibly and so much more!

I found your site because I was researching the speakers for the upcoming conference for the Mid Atlantic Orphan Summit.

My husband and I are considering attending :)

Also, what state do you guys live in? I saw your post about wanting to stay at a beach house but I wasn't sure how far you were looking to travel.

Blessings to you sweet Mama!

Love and prayers,
