Friday, March 14, 2008

The Thread Continues

Tonight we attended an adoption seminar in Raleigh on the topic "Adopting Outside Your Skin Color". It was another one of those God ordained visits. We were so happy and surprised to see a couple there that we met a year ago.

Some of you may remember the testimony of us going to an adoption meeting last year. We were eating dinner and Jerry had to attend a church meeting that evening. In our conversation he told me a friend had told him about an adoption meeting being held at Providence Baptist Church that night. Within a few minutes of hearing this I really felt an impression in my heart that we were supposed to be there. At this point the meeting had already started and we live at least 40 minutes away. After a bit of debate, Jerry and I headed out the door to attend. We arrived to a full room of people with only two seats available in the very back row of the room. When we walked in and disrupted the meeting by opening the door, we apologized and walked to the back of the room. As we sat down, I whispered to Jerry, "I told you we were supposed to be here, these two seats were waiting just for us." The meeting soon ended and it was time for questions from the group. Someone asked about circumcision when adopting new borns and no one knew the answer. So, Jerry raised his hand and answered since we had this experience with the adoption of the twins. Then someone asked the question about "How do you get money for adoption, it is so expensive and we need help". To our absolute shock, the man conducting the meeting stood there a minute and then said, "Would that couple in the back that came in late like to answer this one since you have already adopted before? Jerry and I looked at each other in amazement because we had just experienced the miraculous provision of the tax credit the week before. It was obvious we were to share this testimony before this group. We explained our ages, our financial situation and how God miraculously sent the money and opened the door to Ethiopia.

After we finished, there was a couple that came to us in tears. They explained that they came to this meeting with a desire to adopt but really had no idea if it was possible. She told us how just before the meeting began, she had gone into the room across the hall and literally laid on the floor crying out to God to give them an answer at this meeting tonight, whether or not they were to pursue adoption. During the meeting, before we got there, they gave information on age requirements, etc. and this couple felt completely discouraged and that they had gotten the answer no! Until we stood up in the back of the room at the absolutely last question of the meeting and shared a brief version of our journey. We explained our ages, our financial situation and how God miraculously sent the money and opened the door to Ethiopia. The couple came to us and said "Until you spoke we thought we got a no answer, but, after hearing your story we are hearing yes. We believe God sent you hear to speak directly to us tonight. It looked like you almost didn't make it here and we want to thank you for coming. We are so encouraged."

Well, this is only the second time we attended one of these meetings, here it is a year later and there they were! This same couple was there and we were overjoyed to see each other. They are now beginning their adoption journey to Ethiopia!! Praise the Lord he is so good and he is so obviously weaving a tapestry among us. It is such a joy to be able to reconnect with them and hear the rest of their story. We visited with them after the meeting and are so excited that they are ready to step out in faith as they feel called by God to go to Ethiopia to rescue his orphans. It looks like they will be going for TWO!!!

Praise the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever!

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