Friday, December 4, 2009


The President, Dr. Danny Akin of the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Southeastern College has AWARDED A TUITION SCHOLARSHIP FOR SOLOMON BEKELE MESTAS TO ATTEND THE COLLEGE HERE IN WAKE FOREST, NC. HE WILL LIVE WITH US !!

PRAISE THE LORD FOR HE IS SO GOOD! I have to meet with the International Student department next week to start the process. I honestly have no idea what is going to happen next. I do know that everything has to be approved by the immigration, the US Embassy and the Ethiopian Embassy so there are a lot of hoops to still jump through.

Please join us in prayer as we embark on the next chapter of our journey to Solomon. We will need to do some fund raising to make all of this happen as well.

I am in absolute awe and just a river of tears tonight.

Thank you Dr. Akin, Thank you LORD for blessing our lives with Solomon!

Please spread the word to everyone you know to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!


Allie Garcia said...

AMAZING! I cant believe it! Praise God for following through with His promises. I cant wait to see how He uses precious Solomon!!!

Unknown said...

I am OVERJOYED for you all! What a might God we serve. How amazing!

Anonymous said...

You have all my prayers! I am so happy for you all and Solomon!

natali said...

wow. what a great GOD we serve!

Joy said...

WOW - my jaw just dropped in awe of our Mountain Moving God! Praise Him! We will be in prayer for all of the immigration procedures to fall into place.

Sharon said...

Wow! This is amazing, praying for you and Solomon and your whole family!

Robin said...

Oh Eileen...this is just amazing. Somehow I knew God would work a miracle in this situation! God has so blessed you through your obedience...what an incredible testimony this is to God's amazing grace.

Tori said...

Wow!! God is so amazing!! We will be praying for you & your family.:)


Lori said...

What a delightful Christmas gift! I have what my dear friend calls "SPIRIT BUMPS" all over. So thrilled to hear this. So honored to know you all. Cannot wait to see God unfold this chapter in your journey of faith. PRAYING!
Lori Smith
(friend of Carolyn Twietmeyer...met you in TN)

miranda said...

I have read you blog for awhile now and when I read this I just started weeping. Praise God for this miracle. He will see you through till the end.

Sara said...

Tears of joy for you all! Can you imagine how Solomon must be feeling? Oh my goodness!

Robbin Hopkins said...

How wonderful. Solomon has a light that shines so bright. It was a blessing to be able to meet him. I was so lucky to meet you and Solomon at Fasika after his graduation. I am so excited to witness the next phase in his life. Coming to America!!!!!

Darcy D. Dane, DC said...

You have my continuing prayers...I can't wait to meet Solomon! Praise to our Lord and Savior, the perfecter of our faith.

Renee said...

Just received an email from Solomon with the wonderful news! I'm so looking forward to seeing him in the US with his family!

Anonymous said...

this is SO exciting!! i have been following your blog for a long time. i really think God has big plans for Soloman!!! i can't wait to read more!

alice in san antonio, tx

Erin Moore said...

CHILLS!!! Praising God!

Linda said...

Rejoicing with you!!